- Always consult the manufacturer’s instructions and/or detailed shop drawings for information specific to each project.
- Proper installation, with perimeter seals and accessories installed properly, will insure the system will perform as tested.
- Proper anchorage placement also affects the performance of the system. Structural elements, properly placed and installed, limit deflections and twisting motions that could negatively affect critical seals.
- Units stored on site must be protected to avoid damage to the window or curtain wall unit and their finish. Never lay units flat on the floors. On larger window and curtain wall units that have to be placed on their jambs, lay only on the jamb marked with the “glass jamb-blocked” tag. Always maintain separation between units to protect the finish and prevent damage to shop installed hardware or other accessories. Cover units that are exposed to the elements. (Refer to AAMA CW-10 for more information)
- Thermal expansion can create problems after the system has been installed. Units are designed and fabricated to allow for thermal movement of materials when subjected to a temperature differential from sub-zero to +160 or +180 °F. The coefficient of expansion for aluminum is 12.9 x 10-6 in./in./°F.
- Steps must be taken to allow for thermal expansion and contraction. Slotted anchors at floor levels will allow for thermal movement in multi-story applications. Head receptors, expansion horizontals, and properly-sized perimeter seals can also accommodate thermal movement.
- Anchoring angles and serrated washers can be slotted for thermal movements as well as intermediate floor slab deflections, changes in live load, and column creep. The slot in the anchor, along with the use of a pipe spacer, will allow vertical movement and still support the system against positive and negative lateral wind loading.
- Save installation time and money combining “like sizes” of window and wall units by adjusting the width of the perimeter seals or the face dimension of the panning face in a retrofit application.
- Maintain proper edge clearance of anchors into concrete or masonry, as shown on installation details. Ideal edge clearance varies, to achieve 100% of designed bolt capacity. If the recommended edge and center-to-center spacing is not provided, more bolts may be needed. Also note critical minimum embed depth(s) shown on installation detail sheets.
- Glass setting blocks are typically placed at quarter points. Wide spans of glass will need to have the setting blocks’ location adjusted accordingly, no closer than 8” from the end of the horizontal.
- The field drilling of post-tensioned concrete is not recommended.