Our friend and dear colleague, Steve Fronek has been instrumental in Wausau Window and Wall Systems’ success for 43 years. Since his start in 1979, he has filled multiple technical and management roles across the organization. Steve ends his career as the Vice President of Preconstruction, overseeing product selection, design concepts, technical oversight and structural, thermal and acoustical performance verification. Steve will continue in a part-time, consulting role.
In addition to being an essential member of the Wausau Windows management team, Steve has been an active member, leader, and award-winner in multiple industry organizations, committees, and task groups that have been integral in evolving fenestration standards.
Upon retirement, Steve is looking forward to more family time, fishing and a lower USGA Handicap Index.
Wausau Window and Wall Systems, Apogee Enterprises, Inc., and the fenestration industry are better because of his successful career. Happy retirement, Steve!
To read more about Steve and thoughts from his associates click the link below.
Steve Fronek Retires After 43 Years